A few days ago I had the privilege and pleasure of joining Patrick Sherring on his Phoenix FM show, Friday Night Extra.
(You can find a recording of the show here, along with a brief summary of our chat, plus a playlist.)
Patrick had come across my poem As a Child in a blog post, and on the strength of this kindly invited me to come and chat about my book and what it means to be childlike.
Patrick also gave me the opportunity to select 3 tracks for the show, and to explain why I had chosen them – the nearest I’ll ever get to Desert Island Discs!
I have to admit to being just a tad nervous about appearing on live radio, but Patrick put me at my ease, and I felt quite relaxed whilst on air…
… It was only on my drive home that I began thinking, “What did I say?! Why did I say that?! Why didn’t I say this?! Aaagh!”
(I wish, for example, that I’d said something about playfulness, and how play helps to foster a childlike approach to life and to faith and to God.)
Those who’ve heard the programme assure me that I have nothing to worry about – but I still can’t bring myself to listen back to the show (just yet, anyway)!
Nonetheless, I’d be very pleased if you could take some time out to listen. You can do so using the Mixcloud player below or, better still, by following this link to the show page (complete with summary and playlist).
I hope you enjoy the my chat with Patrick and my music choices. Please do share with others and let me know what you think. Thank you!
Phoenix FM is a community radio station for Brentwood, Billericay and the surrounding areas (broadcasting on 98FM) and is also available worldwide via the Internet.
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