There are lots of great Advent books out there, written by authors far better than me. But if you’re still looking for something to read during the Advent season, how about As a Child: God’s Call to Littleness?
After all, at a time when we remember and celebrate the Incarnation – when God “made himself nothing … being made in human likeness”, being born as a baby in Bethlehem – when better to consider Jesus’ call that we too “change and become like little children”?
The book contains 20 short chapters (if you include the Preface) and so fits neatly into the run-up to Christmas – a chapter per day, with a few days to spare! Each chapter focuses on a single word from a relevant Bible passage, and explores what that word, that concept, that idea might mean in the context of this call to childlikeness.
The book is available in paperback, Kindle and other eBook formats from the usual online suppliers. Wordery has the paperback available for £5.96 with free worldwide delivery, whilst the Kindle version is available for £1.84, $2.99 or equivalent (prices correct at time of writing). Links to other suppliers are available here.
Whatever you read (or don’t!) this Advent, may there be time to step aside from all the busyness, and prepare yourself for the coming Christmas. (On which note, I would thoroughly recommend Brian Draper’s Advent 20 email series – do take a look and join us on the journey.)
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