I almost said no

Fallow deer

To think, I almost said no.

My wife and daughter were off to a local park in order to take some photos of deer for my daughter’s art project.

Was I coming?

And I almost said no.

And the thing is, there really was nothing else that I had to do.

A few months ago, at the start of the summer, I left my job in the City. I felt it was time move on, so I decided to take a step back – and some time out – and make some space – to consider my next move.

So I really didn’t need to be anywhere in particular or do anything in particular for anyone other than myself.

Yet, I almost said no:

No to spending some time with my wife and daughter.

No to being outside in the fresh air and autumn sunshine.

No to seeing the deer and other wildlife.

No to appreciating the turning colours of the trees.

No to experiences much richer than if I’d stayed home alone.

So why? Why did I almost say no?

Habit, I think.

Since I left work my weekdays have fallen into something of a routine: cleaning, shopping, cooking, and looking for my next role.  And having taken a weekend break, I was all set to begin again.

A trip to the park just wasn’t on the agenda.

Few of us, I think, intentionally ignore such unexpected opportunities. We’re just so focused on what we’re doing – and what we plan to do – that we don’t even give a second thought to any alternatives that might arise.

But how much are we missing through this blinkered approach to life?

The are, of course, many times when we are constrained by obligations and responsibilities – but not, perhaps, nearly so often as we might suppose.

So let us be less bound by our adult agenda, and instead have a childlike openness to these ‘unexpected interruptions’ and a childlike eagerness follow the ‘diversions’ that they offer.

Who knows what we might find?


One response to “I almost said no”

  1. […] This little note appeared on a board outside a playground at the local park I visited the other day (see previous post): […]

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