Welcome to the website for my forthcoming book, As a Child: God’s Call to Littleness.
Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children …” Yet how many of us truly believe that we need to become like little children? And how many of us have begun to take on board the implications of these words for our life and faith?
As a Child explores this call to childlikeness, this call to littleness – a call that I believe is fundamental to us entering into all that God has for us, of living the life that he wants us to live and becoming the people that he wants us to be.
The planned publication date for the book is 18 April 2012. Initially it will be available through Lulu.com, but should be available through other channels at a later date.
In the meantime, please do join me here, on Facebook and on Twitter.
Please do leave a reply – I'd love to hear from you.